A NEW account must be created at the start of every school year.
Part-Time Kindergarten parents, please double-check Friday lunch dates to ensure your child will be at school that day. Fridays will state behind the vendor if it is a PTK day.
Preferred payments are PayPal or Etransfer (HeritageHeightsFundraising@gmail.com)
If payment needs to made otherwise, please email hotlunch_heritage@hotmail.com to make arrangements.
Please see below for the Hot Lunch Policy
If you have missed the deadline, please get in touch with hotlunch_heritage@hotmail.com and we will do our best to help you out!
Please check out our FB page "Heritage Heights School" and our web page www.hhparentassociation.com to stay in the loop with any new and upcoming events, hot lunch, fundraising, etc.
Thank you for supporting Our School!
Hot Lunch Policy:
Students late or absent:
Notification is to be provided by email to hotlunch_heritage@hotmail.com by parents before 10:00am for meals to be:
Set aside at the office for pickup
Delivered to a sibling or friend
Stored in the fridge for pick-up the following day
Should notice not be provided, unclaimed lunches will be considered a donation toward our Nourish Network.
Field Trips:
Should a field trip coincide with a scheduled hot lunch day, meals will be refrigerated and handed out to participating students by the end of the school day and no later than the following day in the case of extenuating circumstances.
Refunds will be processed should the student no longer attend Heritage Heights. Parents are to provide email notifications to hotlunch_heritage@hotmail.com. Please include the date that the student will no longer be attending and an address for mailing a payment.
Other situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Code of Conduct:
Respectful, kind, and appreciative behavior that fosters a welcoming and caring environment is expected towards our volunteers. Verbal abuse of our volunteers will not be tolerated and may result in the cancellation and refund of remaining hot lunch sessions.
Acceptance of Policies:
Enrollment and payment for the Hot Lunch Program constitute acknowledgment and agreement to abide by all policies outlined above.
Contact Information:
All questions, concerns and notifications pertaining to the Hot Lunch Program are to be emailed to hotlunch_heritage@hotmail.com
Thank you for your adherence to these guidelines. Our goal is to guarantee a seamless and efficient lunch service for all participating students in the Hot Lunch Program.
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